Sunday, September 28, 2008

1 week and 6 days!

Ironman is just around the corner!

From this point on its taper time. My training should be, ever so slightly getting shorter.

Crappy thing is on Thursday night I started to feel a little irritation in my sinus. The beginning of a slight cold. :( :( :( This happens to me a few weeks before every race. It happened before Lavaman and the Hawaii 70.3!

Masters swimming and that was it. The main focus point for the last couple of weeks has been to follow through with my left hand and reach more with the right. This lengthens my stroke and opens up my non breathing side more. Lately this has made me faster and more efficient.

I've been wearing my race suit and the blue seventy suit to get used to it. The main reason is to make sure I don't rash anywhere. I would recommend one of these to anyone. You feel like a bullet in the water. ITS AWESOME! Everyone gives you crap about wearing it too!

Group Ride action. The usual familiar faces. No sprint finishes for me, due to the illness. The nose was plugged and every know and then would drain like a faucet. I didn't want to risk over working my body and flaring up the illness. I still took some good long pulls to get in the workout, but didn't sprint for the line. A group of us went to the King Shops. We had a steady train pushing all the way back into town. If this was a team time trial race we would have been crowned champs. It was like a system, everyone pulled at their strength. I would pull at the end of a downhill leading up the hill, then Jimmy would jump in and pull the rest of the hill, after the hill Gary would take a pull and then Kris would pull after Gary. This worked FANTASTIC! After the group ride I still had some time to burn so I rode Alii Drive with Jimmy.

On a funny side note: I went into Bike Works to give them some stuff and ask a few questions. Linda has been trying to get me to ride with some pros while there here. She wanted to introduce me to Max Longree who left on a ride and should be back shortly. She also said that he has a cute sister who his here with him and I should meet her too. We went downstairs and sure enough there she was. One word "Beautiful!" %100 my type of girl! LOL!

Long run. I had the same run as last week. 2 hours and 20 minutes with hills. The easy thing to do was the same route as last week. It took me at least 3 or 4 days to recover from last weeks run, so I figured it would be a great benefit to do it again. Sure enough it was just as tough as last week. Ran Walua road out and back twice then murdered myself on the surrounding hills. It will be interesting to see how long it takes me to recover from today's run.

My sickness is one of those things that only last for a few days. I'm thinking by Tuesday or Wednesday it should be gone. I ran the snot out today! HAHA!

This is one of my favorite pictures. Lavaman. Running onto the Lava Rock portion of the run just after T2. (The Lady in the picture is yelling at me to SLOW DOWN!) That didn't happen!


BreeWee said...

Yeah Cody, slow down! Surprised she didn't give you a chair like Coach Steve did this morning! ha ha...

Oh man, Linda is Queen of "making things happen"... maybe she can score you a date with Max's lil' sis! Tell Max you are just taking her on a taxi ride :)

Hope you get better soon!