Friday, October 10, 2008


Months of training and 2 Races (Lavaman, Hawawii 70.3) later, I'm left with 11 hours until the BIG DANCE! The GRAND DADDY of them all! The IRONMAN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS!

Talk about EXCITED! I've locked myself away in my room, until the morning. Time to visualize what my race will be like. The expected and the unexpected. I do this early so I can rest peacefully. Coach told me last night at the welcoming banquet that "the hardest thing for you to do will be to hold yourself back". I'm starting the swim in the same position as last year. Once on the bike it will be really tough to hold back, but I have to do it. If I finish the bike feeling like I could have went faster it will be a great day. The same goes for the run, I can't be blasting the first half and suffering the last half. Again, I must hold back. If I hold back when I reach the top of OTEC watch out! The turbos will be on full boost!

#1 goal is to have a well executed race!
#2 is to finish knowing I gave it ALL I GOT!

See you at the FINISH!

Cody #1700


Dolphin Boy said...

Cody...Congrats man! Awesome race on Saturday!! Hope you recover well.